Vendor To The Industry Episodes

Oct. 24, 2021

"The grand global swap meet" | COLLECTOR PART EXCHANGE | Founder- Chr…

3:43   an exchange. Not buying or selling. Providing a marketplace and promoting it so that a buyer knows where to look and a seller knows where to show up. 5:58 he's got all of these folks over in Italy who find really rare and interesting...

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Oct. 25, 2021

Sandy Zannino | Founder of Innovative Auto HR | A dedicated, passiona… 2019 TAMPA BAY HR CONSULTANT OF THE YEAR 2:38 diversity, equity, and inclusion 7:23 better to fire quicker (for the employee's sake) 9:25 affirmative action 15:47 Women: barefoot... and in ac...

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Dec. 2, 2021

DID WE STEAL TECH FROM ALIENS?!? J Sanchez is friends with some quant…

1:05 I was in Air Force test command, which dealt with the weapons that should even be introduced for 40 years 1:59 aliens are real 2:25 The difference between us beginning to fly and going to the moon is only 50 years well, that's just lots of Jews....

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Dec. 2, 2021

Cannonball Run | FIREBALL RUN | Alec Baldwin Movie Ranch | UFOs | Ast…

4:09 visual effects industry 4:15 global advertising and PR company 4:23 film industry, television producer 4:26 created the FIREBALL RUN television series 5:33 we bought a movie ranch SCARAMANGA. I was friends with Sir Roger Moore. 7:00 One Lap of...

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