June 27, 2021


Founder Vince Beretta explains

Vince Beretta had a dream and idea that took him to the brink of poverty and literal homelessness. WALKAWAY is a program that allows car buyers to return a financed car to their dealer and have any negative equity taken care of. Hyundai bought and marketed the program and marketed it as HYUNDAI ASSURANCE. Hyundai grew 9% in a 22% down market. unheard of before or since!!! After this short promo you will be dying to see the full length show! WALKAWAY has been a blazing success with $900 million (CDN$) in premiums written and protected over $125 billion in car loans and leases! Select audio episodes available at www.jeffsterns.com    

Vincent Beretta Profile Photo

Vincent Beretta

Vincent Beretta is an international entrepreneur who pioneered vehicle return insurance in 1999 and trade marked it "Walkaway."

WALKAWAY gives people the ability to return their financed or leased vehicles midway through contracts and walk-away from negative equity; the difference between what is owing vs the actual cash value (depreciated value) of the car. In times of need, consumers relieve stress while protecting credit ratings and savings.

Walkaway is the backbone of five widely recognized national programs and combined with over a thousand independent auto dealers has protected nearly 3.5 million vehicle buyers totaling $125 Billion of consumer finance and lease commitments.

In 2009 Hyundai Motor America was the first manufacturer to license WALKAWAY naming it “Hyundai Assurance” and launched the program in the depths of the 2008-2011 financial crisis. "Buy any new Hyundai - lose your income - return your car." The campaign went on to win multiple advertising awards and "Assurance" is still recognized as the most effective automotive sales incentive in history.

Other key clients have included Kia Canada, Kia Australia, TD Bank and most recently American Risk Services with Ford Credit USA. Retail premium sales have topped $700M million world-wide.

Vince is a keen follower of consumerism and consumer debt and how it affects us individually and as a society, he lives in Toronto with his wife Miranda and two children.