This was the most unbelievable to me this day of how this actually turned out that they gave me the contract that I wanted. Now I'm back there. He was telling me they're not signing it. They're not giving me the bigger car. They had planned on doing it themselves. They only gave me a little card to make me happy. They didn't think I could sell them anyhow. They then did this. And now we're going to embarrass them with acid, it's going to be worse than embarrassing. You're going to lose all the dealers you're going to have it's going to be like Hiroshima. Anyway, fortunately, not nice. So I meet with them. They give all my wonderful arguments. They tell me No. I meet with various people. They tell me No. Now, a week goes by and I'm getting 100% knows they're not opening the door for any reason whatsoever to give me what I want. And by the way, I want a perpetual contract on top of it all. Nobody has ever gotten a petrol contract in their universe. And I wanted that on top of everything else I was asking for. And I wasn't willing to negotiate. They were saying no, no matter what, even the matter even changed it. They weren't going to give it to me. So finally I say to him, all right. out of courtesy, I want dinner with you, Mr. Kikuchi, the export manager, and Ohara, who was the chairman of the board, and it was sort of like me, and I went to dinner, and I want one last shot. And that's it. Whichever way it goes, you're, I'm out of your hair, or I'm in your hair, but in a good way. Okay. So now, Harvey, I am, who I was, I made a my executive vice president, but he is one of the great car guys in the world turned out to be he wasn't when I met him. But he took Subaru to heights. And it was really him who did it. Great guy. And I had given him 25% of the company. So he made a fortune. So we're sitting at the table, and I have a higher across there and I have an interpreter and the sales manager. Next, then harbor them on the side. And we're on the 16th floor, the tallest building in Tokyo with the time and the band is playing and everybody at the table, including me are smoking cigarettes, and I got a headache that is killing me. And I am I'm desperate. It's either tonight or it's over. And I give them my you got to do this. And here's what's going to happen if you're done. Hey, guys looks at me and he interprets it. And he says, Ah, he understand now. Sorry. I turned to Harvey. And I said, I have no idea why I'm about to do what I'm about to do. But be prepared because I expect to see you under the table when I get started. Now first I have to tell you know if anybody involved with me is impolite or discourteous to anybody involved in secondary or customer or somebody who hates us. It's not okay. Being embarrassing anybody or impolite or saying bad, it's just not okay. And I, I can't imagine myself doing it. With that. I turned them look across the table clean across and call them every bad word I can imagine ending with jack at the end of it. I mean, and talk about if you think Hiroshima was bad when you see what's going to happen the United States if we don't go forward with the new card it's safe to do. Oh, I didn't know I mean, Harvey was petrified that sales manager and ready to die. The export manager ready to die. And that guy is looking really straight. And he's and I am coming off with this kind of energy. I mean, it's like I got an atomic bomb I'm blasting in his face about and crude, horrible words are coming out of my mouth. And I stop, and there's quiet. And he says, Ah, so now I understand, turns the cuckoo cheese has given the contract. That's it. To this day, I have no idea what I said that triggered that. And I became his favorite son. And everybody in Fuji thought that I was incredibly powerful to change his mind. And for him now to be my friend. And I got a 99 year contract No. And I had a federal contract. And they tried to offer me money per car in the bank in Japan not asked for that. They asked for 25 years. For some reason. I just wanted what I wanted. I said, No, I can't take money from you. Because we're a public company. And we'll all go to jail. If I take money from you, and I don't report it. So that thank you very much. But we can't do that may say, Well, well, how about 50 years? And argument? Sorry, listen, you said we're partners partners, to me means your kids and my kids will be working together and our grandkids will be working together. I want the petrol. Finally they said, Okay, we'll give you a perpetual but you can't tell anybody. We're public company. We have an annual report that comes out every year, it will be first paragraph and that annual report every year for the rest of our lives. They eventually said, Okay, I don't know why. To this day. While I'm telling you the story. I can't imagine that coming out of my mouth to anybody. And I can't imagine them coming to that conclusion. With that crap coming out of my mouth. Malcolm.