Sept. 8, 2023


0:00 Man possibly high and probably naked, charged with DUI and leaving scene of crash involving property damage. 2:08 "A heroic dose"    5:07 Cops   7:00 blockade   7:22 ran over a couple of the stop signs   8:47 they asked...

0:00 Man possibly high and probably naked, charged with DUI and leaving scene of crash involving property damage.
2:08 "A heroic dose"   
5:07 Cops  
7:00 blockade  
7:22 ran over a couple of the stop signs  
8:47 they asked me to get out of the car over the loudspeaker.  
9:12 I've got no clothes 
9:48 Ferrari was completely totaled.  
9:48 peeking while I was in jail. 
12:33 it was not good. My daughters heard it from their classmates.  
14:08 homeless,  
15:06 picking up a crack pipe  
15:58 driving around with 500 grand worth of gold Krugerrands in the trunk of my car
16:54 a woman came up to me and handed me a $20 bill. She said "you'll know what to do with this".  I signed myself into a detox  
19:19 Gaurdian Angels 
20:56 I was almost murdered in a hotel room. I was hogtied.  
23:46 I was writing the book   
25:51  I literally drove right through the arm of the guard gate. 
 25:51  jumped in the lake and I swam away, came out of the blackout, kneeling on the side of a car naked  
29:41 Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. 
31:00 Call to the alter   


Jeff Sterns  0:00  
Man possibly high and probably naked, charged with DUI and leaving scene of crash involving property damage. I was the I was the new driver. I hadn't done mushrooms since I was, you know, in high school. I had a three day old black Ferrari 430 Spider when you're tripping things, just get a little trippy doughnuts all over the place and the cops rolling straight onto me. I get out of the car, and I've got no clothes on. And the doctor the next day said it sounded like I was speaking in tongues. Listen, I was in my first rehab when I was 16 years old. I was just about homeless. I ended up moving in with a woman that wound up being my first my first wife I was driving around with 500 grand worth of gold Krugerrands in the trunk of my car. It's another thing when you're homeless and you're straight. I was almost murdered in a hotel room. I was hogtied. I decided I'm gonna take all my clothes off. It was literally like I got called out by Christ in front of 6000 people.

Speaker 2  1:04  
Jeff Sterns connected through cars, if they're big wigs, we'll have him on the show. And yes, we'll talk about cars and everything else. Here he is now, Jeff Sterns.

Jeff Sterns  1:21  
Let me read this headline Tia man, possibly high and probably naked, charged with DUI and leaving scene of crash involving property damage. Sound familiar? Yeah, it sounds a little familiar. Was that you? Tony? If you plan on reading the article, I think you'll see my name in it. I was there. I was actually there. Were you a witness or how were you there? No, I was the I was the new driver. You are the perp? Unfortunately, I forgot my clothing for that ride. Well, we got to hear the story. Tony. I had started a dog rescue with a girl that I was dating and, and it was her birthday. I hadn't done mushrooms since I was, you know, in high school. And a buddy of mine gave me a big bag of mushrooms. And it was her birthday. So instead of being responsible with them, which I didn't even know I should be, because it had been so long since I had done them. We ate all of them. How big is a big bag of mushrooms? 10 grams. 10 grams of magic mushrooms. Okay. Yeah. So if you listen to Terence McKenna, who was like the one of the kind of longtime psychedelic gurus and five grams of mushrooms is what they would what he termed as a heroic dose. So I was in the shower, and they started to kick in a little bit. And my girlfriend at the time comes in. Right when I get out and she pulls me into the garage, I had a three day old black Ferrari for 30 spider and drags me into the into the garage, we get in the car, and now she's got me in the car nude, they're starting to kick in. She's begging me to just go for a ride around the block. You know, it was a new car. Now she partaking also or she? Yeah, she's partaking well, okay, she was partaking also. So, you know, we're just sitting in the garage, and then, you know, I pull the car out and pull it in front of her home. And we're just sitting there, you know, with the top down, you know, the stars around, you know, we're just in the driveway. And she convinces me that I need to take her for a ride to a friend's house, which obviously was not going to happen. And I insisted that hey, you know, if I drive like this, you know, we'll probably I'll probably wind up in jail. Now that was kind of I should have listened to myself right then. But as the shrooms kept kicking in more and more, I was like, okay, yeah, we'll go around the block, you know, no problem. So around the block, we were in Delray and around the block you know, we came out into onto Atlantic Avenue in downtown Delray made a left on federal highway going north up towards Palm Beach, and we were on our way on the way up to Palm Beach we're traveling you know, at rapid rates of speed. Once I got up into Palm Beach, you come around a big turn on a one a coming up into ocean and then the next thing you know, you're right on the ocean on your left, you've got all the huge houses you know, we've been doing 100 plus miles an hour all the way up all the way up federal highway. So the cops were already looking for me, obviously now are you in a towel or nothing? Nothing. And thank God I didn't know but thank God she brought a pair of pink seersucker shorts, she had them on the floor of the car, but I'll get into that in a little bit because that was a little that was like my saving grace when I you know when when everything went down we came around the corner there's like a circle we came around the corner and now we're on ocean and flying up into into Palm Beach land I see a cop car coming the other way coming at me we booked a quick U turn came around back around traveling south as we came around the term two or three cops there to block me in so it was kinda like one of those boom boom boom as far as you know just you know kind of dodging those guys and and poking out on Southern Boulevard towards pump towards West Palm and you didn't come in contact with you didn't like graze or hit any of these cars you just raised No, I had already run over a couple of stop signs on my way up to Palm Beach. Because it was just you know, when you're tripping, things just get a little tripping. So so the car was already banged up. But when I came around, I did I did I caught something there because I got I got it's in that I think it's in that it's definitely in the police report. And I think it's in the article too. But, you know, we went out southern Boulevard, you know, at a rapid rate of speed and the cops didn't chase me. So now we're heading up towards West Palm. And this dog rescue. Now that rescue today is the largest no kill shelter in the country. But we had you know, it was ours before we turned it over to this woman it's called Big Dog ranch. Now they they bring in dogs from China from you know from Puerto Rico with the hurricane she's got up to she could take in now up to 1000 dogs. But we took her dogs originally, she had a bunch of Weimer runners in her house. This is like a like a highfalutin Palm Beach, you know, Palm Beach woman, but in any way we're on our way out to we're gonna go to the rescue. So we had 70 dogs there at the time. So we're we're heading to the to the rescue. You're not thinking anything about that you kind of went through a blockade? No, no, you went through and now we're going to the dog right now. I feel like I'm driving around in a missile. Okay, right. You know, the the inside of the car looks like a spaceship. You know, when I'm training for I know, Ferrari 430. Yeah, I'm tripping pretty good. Okay. So I didn't realize how demolished the car already was from running over a couple of the stop signs on the way up there. So we're heading out towards the rescue. And when we when we we get to it was in Wellington at the time. So when we get up, and I couldn't tell you like exactly where where we were, but somehow we got sidetracked. And there's a, we go past a park. And there's a sign on the gate of the park that says closed, you know, and they had the gate was you know, the gate was locked. So she's like, you know, park should never be closed. And I'm like, I agree. So we decided that driving through that gate into the park was a good idea. So we go flying through the gate, doing donuts all over the place of pull the car up and down here, like you'll have parking on one side, then you'll have grass, and then you'll have parking on the other side. So I'll see if I can do this for you. Kinda like this. So got to where I couldn't move the car. And I didn't know why. And I didn't care. And we were just sitting in there, you know, this, again, the stars are out. It's a perfect night. And you know, we're just sitting there listening to the music. And then the next thing you know, I'm facing this way, you've got the grass here, and the cops rolling straight straight onto me. And they asked me to get out of the car over the loudspeaker. So my first reaction was, well, you know, hey, I got you know, I got away from the first group of cops, I'm gonna get away from them. I'm gonna get away from these guys too, when I go to move the car, but the car doesn't move. It's just like, you know, it's kind of like doing that. So the the the rescue asked me to get out of the car. So I get out of the car, and I've got no clothes off. So the cops, cops, like, hey, put some clothes on. And thank God she had brought the sear suckers, which is perfect for Palm Beach. By the way. I mean, if you're going to be if you're going to be in any pair of shorts, you might as well be in a pair of pink sear. soccers right. She throws me the shorts. I put the shorts on. And the cop comes over to me and he's like, you know, he can tell that I don't smell of alcohol. And then he's like, What is going on with you guys now the car is demolished. Okay, I mean, demolish that you was totaled. The car was totaled. I didn't even I didn't hit another car. Nothing to car was completely totaled. The car is the Lamborghini from the Jordan Belfort lewd scene coming home

lately completely fucking destroyed. Okay, I put Probably I probably ran over more than more than a couple of stop signs on the way up there. You know, plus a plus I just blasted through this gate, okay on top of that, and and done a bunch of donuts but I look back while I put the shorts on and while I'm putting the shorts on, I look back and the rear wheel on the driver side, the tire wasn't gone. The entire wheel, the whole thing is off the car, which obviously is why you know why I couldn't escape. He asked me what I'm doing up there. You know, I tell him Listen, we're going up to our dog rescue and he's like dog rescue. What's a dog rescue when I said you know, like, like a dog like Ruff ruff. So when you read that article, you'll read in there that she says that was barking like a dog, which I wasn't barking like a dog. And I just I just, you know, I had just done a little bit too much of a little too much of you know, I didn't have any respect for mushrooms. You know, I didn't realize if you want to be responsible with them, you should really weigh them first. So you know exactly how much you're being dosed. So, you know, to make a long story short, you know, they rested me took me in. Apparently, when I got when I was when they put me in the holding tank. I was told the next day they moved me because apparently I went like deep into where I was at and must have been peeking while I was in jail. And the doctor the next day said, it sounded like I was speaking in tongues and they moved me out of that out of that original hole themselves and put me in my own. And that doctor had come in in the morning and had asked me, you know, before they released me, it asked me who's the president, you know, they asked me a, you know, a bunch of different questions before they're gonna release me. So that's kind of the Ferrari story there, Jeff. Okay, so I mean, this recording will be public. You've got kids, I've got kids. What are their ages? I've got three girls, I've got a 2726 and a 24. Okay, so they know this. They know, they know, listen at the time. I mean, now, you know, you can look back and, you know, it's, you know, it's a great story now, but at the time with my children, and believe it or not, like I had a great time that night is like totally twisted as that sounds. But the aftermath of it was not good. They heard from their classmates. So that was, that was something that, you know, was not, you know, not a fun, fun day for me when I had to go through that with them. You know, I had issues with alcohol and cocaine my entire life. And I'll be sober eight years in August. So grats on that. So, I mean, in the end, you're sober guy, I'm so over 26 years. Hey, look, in the end, I'm assuming that if one more guy or gal can get sober or see what's going on in their life or see the ridiculous or the chaos? Or the unmanageability? That that would probably excite Yeah. Why are you okay telling this on a broadcast like this? Well, what do you get out of it? I mean, listen, I was in my first rehab when I was 16 years old. And, and I've struggled I'm 5057 now and for, for the, for the, for the most, for the most part I've been my kids have never even seen me take a drink. I mean, never drank in front of them. I never, you know, did blow in front of the nothing. They've never they've never seen me under the influence of anything. I think that you know, there's a few blessing. I had went to Wall Street at one point in my life where, you know, I was just about homeless, I ended up moving in with a woman that wound up being my first my first wife, you know, going into Wall Street making a million and a half bucks a year. I'd made a million bucks my first year in the business, so And you brought up Jordan Belfort and one of the funny things is, is I met Jordan Belfort, his first wife the same night that I met my wife at a place called Canister shells in the city. And I guess they were on the rocks at that point in time because I wound up with her phone number and you know, we won't go into the rest of that story. But the you know, the struggle that I that I've had with my own addiction you know, I went from being you know, big time Wall Street guy with a house in the Hamptons on three acres on the water. You know, the whole routine, you know, with the Ferraris to a homeless crackhead. You know living on the street Miami actually living we used to call got the little the little town of Lincoln, a buddy of mine and I, we went up, you know, put one up picking up a crack pipe after not not smoking that shit since I was a kid. I mean, back in the back in the 80s. In the late 80s, I was introduced to smoking coke by by a buddy of mine who, who has since overdosed and is not here anymore. And had issues with that. Back in those days, and, and then 18 years after not smoking, it just wound up in a guy's house, and he was smoking it out of a bong. And I hit that Bong. And that was it, you know, 11 months later, half a million bucks later, I was, you know, I'd lost 80 pounds, you know, I was living on the street in Miami, and things, you know, things got got really ugly, and just a lot of just completely insane. You know, just a lot of things, you get followed around, you know, I was driving around with 500 grand worth of gold Krugerrands in the trunk of my car, and cashing those in

nine $9,900 at a time, and, and just partying. So when that happens, and you've got a ton of money and you're smoking blow, you know, you get followed around by every freak. I mean, more freaky shit going on. That was just like, I mean, bizarre, like crazy, you know, stories, and I'm in the process of writing a book, I've been doing that for seven years, right that I'll ever get there be a two finger type rep that you know, 11,000 words written. And that's a difficult process. So you know, probably not going to end up finishing that book. I was actually on the street in Miami and I was a paranoid freak. Like I used to laugh at those people that got paranoid. But then I became that person. Everybody was the FBI, everything. And I was and I wouldn't beg for money. I would never ask for money and a woman came up to me and handed me a $20 bill. And she just looked at me and she says you'll know what to do with us. And for whatever reason, I don't know why. But I got myself to this train station in Miami. And I took a train up to Delray Beach and I signed myself into a detox public DNS called the AFS, public detox. So I went to that detox, got out, I wound up getting into a halfway house and the way that worked out is my best friend from New Jersey. We lived, you know, together when we were kids and, you know, sold vacuum cleaners door to door for Electrolux, whatever. He's an attorney. Now I called him now he lives in western jersey. And through a set of circumstances I was I was back on the street, but now I'm straight, right? It's one thing if you're getting drinking and drugging, and you're, and you're homeless, it's another thing when you're homeless, and you're straight. And that's when the horror of being homeless is really like, it's just like, it's really, it's like mind boggling. You can't even believe that you're in the position. And I called, I called him, and I was like, hey, you know, his wife picked up the phone. I'm like, Hey, Cindy, is is Joe there. She's like, Tony, I'm like, yeah, she's like, he's not here. She's like, are you okay? Now? She had known that things weren't going well. You know, they've been talking, you know, talking to my parents. And you know, my mom's over 42 years. My father is sober I think 39 years. And, you know, good Irish Catholic boy. You know, my sister did are 21 and me, you know, 99 point 99.8%. Irish, which is like almost impossible. But I but I've got the 23 me to prove it. So anyway, so she, he called Joe winds up calling me now there. Were still payphones back then. So Joe calls me, I'm just standing by the payphone Joe calls me he's like, Hey, what's going on? You're right. I'm like, Nah, I'm not okay. You know, I'm on the street. He's like, Yeah, now, have you been on the street for a while? I'm like, yeah, he's like, Well, where are you? And I'm like, I'm in Lake Worth. And he's like, okay, he's like, Well, we're in Lake Worth, or as well, first I said, Florida. So he goes, Yeah, well, of course, you're in Florida. He's like, where I'm like, I'm in Lake Worth. And he's like, where Lake Worth are you? I'm like thinking to myself, like but tell us he asked me this for and I was on like federal and whatever block it was 10th 11th 12th Whatever it was, and he's like, and then I hear him turn to somebody that turned out to be another buddy of mine. We were all in AAA, we're all golfers. I mean, shed at the time. I was still a scratch handicap and that kind of condition. I couldn't apply to it then. But you know, so I hear Him say hey, how far are we from federal and 12. And then I hear my other buddy Alan, go tell him we'll be there in two minutes. They were literally around the corner guardian angels. Guardian angels, scooped me up, took me down to Delray, I went into one of the AAA club houses picked up a phone number off the wall, and they paid to get me into that halfway house. I wound up working for a buddy of mine. He had a call he had a call room, started working for him. Built His room after I was six months sober I raised 180 grand, I started a company that got people out of credit card debt. And three years later, I had 400 employees, you know, with that 180 grand that I raised, we did 81 million in revenue 90 19 million to the bottom line. So you know, I got back on my feet again, you know, you know, lay everything was you know, everything changed. Jeff, everything changed. What would like this is going to be crazy question, but what would someone be surprised to know about you? Anybody that meets me like, I'll give you my girlfriend for example, you know, we've been together for two and a half years like she's she just can't even picture me like that. You know? I'm just, you know, I think anybody that met me that heard you know, that heard you know, my story. I mean, you know, I I was almost murdered in a hotel room. I was hogtied. Supposedly. I wound up getting arrested down in South Beach and wound up in jail in Miami. And what actually one of the one of the guys that was the cop in the pod his kid had played for the Redskins. And I can remember Santana moss his dad was was the guy that was the cop that was in the pod and one of the kids in there was supposedly there's a running back for the Ravens used to play for the Ravens he played for the U I can't remember the guys name but I met I met supposedly what this what is one of his nephews when I was in jail, but I ended up you know getting some getting getting some money when I got out of jail i finagle you know a pretty good amount of cash. So the only time in my life I've ever you know basically taken money from somebody and made amends to him afterwards. I paid them back and everything but I got one of my ex stockbroker clients to wire me 13 grand after I got out of jail, and wound up hooking up with my dealer again, wound up in in Homestead Florida. meeting, meeting one of the kids I was in jail jail with his name was Mike Williams. We called him to park in in jail. He looked exactly like him. But I went down to well homestead after I got out, took a train down there and and partied with this guy for a couple of days. And the day I left him, he got killed by the cops. So thank God I got out of there when I did, but I wound up getting into going up into South Beach. I have the cash now and I was meeting my dealer. And I got a call from a Willis McGahee. That was his name. So we'll have supposedly Willis McGahee his nephew. He's gave me a call. He's like, Hey, I'm with some friends. You know, hey, what are you doing? I'm like I'm partying you know, you won't come to the hotel room. So he comes up there with a friend of his and in the guy's girlfriend. And you know they get into the room now wasn't stupid. I had the coke right? So you know, I left like in April allowed I had I had nine ounces of nine ounces of coke and the rest of it I had shoved in a garbage in the garbage pail underneath the bag. You know, they put the bag I put it under the bag in the garbage pail. So I was taken ahead and this guy chokes me out from behind. And I came to with I was hogtied with the sheets. And I had a pillowcase tied around my neck. And that's how I came out of you know being choked out by these guys, or by that guy. And, you know, I didn't even give a shit about that. I went to the garbage pail and the coke wasn't there. And that was you know, I will but I was very happy they left they left the eight ball out. They just took the nine ounces and took off. The reason I was writing the book was really, you know, I had somebody approached me about this, you know, they took they took the book and they put it into chat GPT and came out with came out with like a, I don't know what the hell you call a screenplay, whatever the hell you would say, you know, or treatment or sound or No, no, they put it in a format in chat GPT where it could be like, could be like a Netflix special. Like, the whole screen would do voiceover and then it literally would, you know, it had names of characters, you know, based on you know, the whole the whole routine. That's an incredible technology. It really is like insane. I was reading about it last night. He's talking to me about you. Yeah, you could make like, you know, this is this is like a Hollywood guy. You know, he's a he's a Hollywood tech guy. And you know, he starts talking about yo, we could make money doing this and uh, you know, that was never the purpose for writing the book. The reason I the reason I started the book was you know, if you could give one person hope that is in the situation that I was in that, you know, they can get sober and anything is possible through the man upstairs, that, you know, you could turn your life around, and I had had a situation Then I had another young just give you another quick story. So I'm living and I'm living in Woodfield Country Club in Boca which again is like the hoity toity one of the hoity toity country clubs. And my wife was away with the kids. Shit, this was this was 20, like 22 years ago, 21 years ago. So she's in Chicago with the kids, I go meet my buddy at the pool. And, you know, we dropped to, you know, a bunch of ecstasy or partying at the pool. We wind up going back to his house, and I guess, you know, his mother was there, and I was not getting her name right over and over and over again. So I was politely asked to leave, I got out of my car, or I got in my car, took out his neighbor's mailbox. And then I go out the backyard gate, it would feel then I literally drove right through the arm of the guard gate. I didn't even hit the gate, I hit the arm of the guard gate and crashed the car into the house that the guards are in. So

this, this was another great story. So I ran away from the scene, I jumped over like there's a wall there, I jumped over the wall, they found me 45 minutes later in a tree in somebody's backyard sopping wet. And they take me back to the scene of the accident. Now you won't read about that one. Because from what I'm told, because they lost sight of me for 45 minutes, they couldn't they couldn't place me drunk at the scene. So they take me out to you know, come out of the tree. And I don't remember any of this. None of it. They take me back to the scene. And apparently I didn't like being sopping wet. And I don't know what the nudity theme here is. But I decided I'm going to take all my clothes off, which I did. And they wrapped, they wrapped they wrapped a raincoat around me. And apparently I didn't like that either. I took that off, ran across the street, jumped through these hibiscus bushes, I have still have scars from that jumped into a lake because all the communities there's a whole bunch of different communities in the club. And they're all they've all got lakes, you know, different you know, they're all built around lakes and this and that. And I jumped in the lake and I swam away, came out of the blackout, kneeling on the side of a car naked obviously with another car, you know, pulling into the driveway. And I'm like, where the like, where the fuck am i right now. So I eventually got to the club, install a golf cart and drove at home passed out, I wake up at about midnight, and I'm like, I get one of these bad feelings like Oh, fuck, and I had that feeling a million times, like something bad had happened. So I go out and I'm like, Where's my car? I go, and I look in the driveway. And I'm like, fuck, what am I going to do? I get on my bike, and I drive and I ride my bike to the front main gate. And the guard at the main gate. I knew him. He sticks his hat on and go Mr. Shay, how are you? And I said, I don't know how am I then he goes on the record or off the record. And I'm like off the record, man. He tells me what happens. You know what happened? And I was like, shit, man, my wife comes the next day from being up in Chicago with her folks and my kids. You know, I've got you know, cuts all over my face all over my arm. She's, you know, wearing sunglasses. She's like, what happened? I tell her the dog dragged me through the bushes. My kids are there. You know, I couldn't tell her what happened. So when I finally got to tell her what happened, of course, she was completely mortified. Now I had to go in front of the homeowners association. So now ChinaI we have to go in front of the homeowners association and please, Mr. Shea, could you explain to us what happened? You know, okay, so I, you know, just told me I had a drinking problem. I'm going to handle the drinking power problem this out and the other thing. Now my ex wife's mother was I was brought up Catholic, right? Sit, kneel, sit, kneel. Her mother was a Christian and my ex wife was brought up as a Christian. And every Christmas we go to Chicago, you know, my marriage was on the rocks. The stock market is crashing. I just blown up my own account, and my mother in law comes down her name is Laverne. Right? So she comes down now just a great classic name right Laverne comes down. And she asked me if I'll take her to church. Now obviously, she's concerned about her, you know, her kid and her grandkids right? Because you know, the marriage isn't going well at this point in time. I wasn't happy. You know, she wasn't things just were not going well. So she asked me if I'll take her to church. So make sure love her and want to go to church didn't go to church. But the only church that I know down here I hear it on the radio is this place called Calvary Chapel down in Fort Lauderdale. If you want to go there, we can go there. I think she she used to it. I think it was willow creek or Willowbrook. We would go to every Christmas with the kids when we would be up there. I mean, just a mega church like insane. Like I don't know how many people have to how many people sit and upload. It's got to be 20,000 and morality. It's like nuts. So we ended up bomb rolling down to wall Calvary, we're sitting in the back, you know, we put the kids in the daycare, we're sitting in the back of the church. Now I've got, you know, my mother in law sitting to my left, I got my, my wife, at the time sitting to my right arm in the middle, in an ad AE, since I'm 16. You know, at this point in time, God, let's see, I'm 50. So whatever I don't need whatever age I was then. So the pastor does his, I guess, I don't know what you would call, you know, his sermon, or, you know, his service. And then and then what they do is, at the end, they do what's called an altar call. And the altar call is, you know, hey, does anybody want to come up to the front of the church turn their life over to Christ? You know, we're gonna, we're gonna play a song, you know, and wait for you to come up. Now you're talking to you know, this church holds 6000 people. So this is not a small church, either. So I'm sitting there at the end of the service, and, you know, they played the song, and I'm thinking to myself, you know, when somebody goes up to the front, you know, then I'm gonna go, I mean, I could feel my wife's eyes, my mother in law's eyes, like, you know, they seeing through my head, like, they could see each other right through my head. And I sat there, and I sat there, and I sat there and they play this song. You know, this goes on for whatever, three, four minutes and not one person goes to the front of the church. And you're talking to church where tons of people are bringing their attic friends and, you know, their family members that are in trouble. They tell them, hey, well, you know, I've been to the church hundreds of times since, you know, Hey, you come with I'll go up to the front with you if you're nervous this or that. I mean, I've never seen it where at least 50 people go to the front. Never. So this day, nobody goes to the front and Man, am I happy? Because now I'm not going either. I'm not going to be the first guy. I'm off the hook. So I'm just sitting there. The pastor comes out now he must have felt like he didn't do a very good job. Because he was kind of you know, you can tell he was a little bit you know, he was a little bit irked. And I could word verbatim tell you what he said. He said, You know what, this many people in church this morning, I can't believe there's not one person here that's in enough pain to come to the front. So I'm going to talk to the one alcoholic. You know exactly who you are. You're the guy that doesn't mind making an idiot out of himself, and embarrassing his entire family. So we're gonna see here, the guy running around the party with the lampshade on his head. Now I was already up and on my way, bawling like a little baby that this guy did not know that I just embarrassed my family driving around nude in Woodfield Country Club in Boca smashing into a guard gate running around nude. He didn't know. He had no idea that that happened. It was literally like I got called out by Christ in front of 6000 people and I walked up to the front of that church bawling like a little baby. And after I got up after I got up to the front, I don't know how many people came up behind me. But it was it was a lot of people. So that was that was pretty wild. Sorry to get a little emotional with that one. Well, you know what, thanks. Because for you to get vulnerable and it takes a lot of courage for you to get vulnerable like that. Obviously, touch moves and inspires you is real for you. That means something to you. Now, of course. Yeah, sometimes God wants you alone. You know, from that day forward. I never bought another stock that went up and I wound up homeless, you know, but while I went through that whole, that whole thing, I knew I was gonna be okay. You know? So well, even as a Jew, I know to me, Jesus was an outlaw. He was radical. He was a great rabbi. He was counterculture. I love him. And I Tony, I appreciate your Sheeran and, you know, to be able to go from you know, let's call it surfacey. Storytime entertainment, down to real where it's touching you. It's an honor for me to be able to be with you. That's what I get out of this.

Speaker 2  34:21  
This has been Jeff Sterns connected through cars

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