5:36 PINKS Lose the race, lose your ride. PINKS all out 8:43 Where STREET OUTLAWS got their idea 11:27 GRUDGE RACE 13:37 what if a racer was reluctant to turn over their car's title? 17:22 What if they flinched? 19:05 Amazing 23 AND ME story! 26:32...
0:43 you can elect to share your DNA with 20 million person database 1:55 "...51.9% of my DNA. Dove is my daughter..." 2:22 "I called 23andMe. 'Your algorithm must be wrong!'" 4:01 "...her mother's name is in my diary. Oh my god..." 4:26 and two...
1:25 the CEO of that production 4:23 "...it's not just, Oh, we're gonna take some cameras and crew out and shoot a bunch of stuff. You know? Now, it's not that at all. It's like, where's the heartbeat of this thing? There's that visceral feeling. And...