Marcia J. Kozera

Marcia J. Kozera Profile Photo


Human Resources Executive with over 20 years of experience in all HR related areas, specializing in leadership development, training and consulting. Leadership and relationship coach.

Aug. 18, 2021

Marcia Kozera | Gray moral compass | Sexting a customer | Neat paperw…

0:23 my HR moral compass was kind of a little gray 0:53 when you want to pick a star performer, you are looking for a specific personality type. Needs to be an extrovert, needs to be a charmer, needs to …

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Aug. 17, 2021

Marcia Kozera/ Lighthouse HR- What could POSSIBLY be interesting abou…

Yes, she's a woman but unlike Kamala, that wasn't the only criteria to selected!! Marcia owns Lighhouse HR group (outsource HR) focusing on HR consulting, recruiting and payroll so to say the least, she's seen it all. Marcia is uniquely...

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Aug. 17, 2021

Marcia Kozera/ Lighthouse HR- Sexually the HR Manager!… 0:01 the story of the HR manager sexually harassing the HR department 0:09 This was in a hospital. 0:57 This was the HR director. 1:20 he would follow her and he would close the door behind him. 1:52 this …

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Aug. 17, 2021

Marcia Kozera/ Lighthouse HR- When sales managers lose their mind and… 0:10 he was good looking, and he knew it. 0:27 started texting with a client. 1:10 by the time you cross the line is too late. 2:29 the dealership actually fired him. 3:26 When I first got to Florida,...salesperson...

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