Chris Warren

Chris Warren Profile Photo

Car washer, salesman, service manager, sales manager, general manager, Premier Leasing area manager

Senior Sales & Marketing & Operations Executive. Successful at establishing the vision and strategies to open a top 5 brand in new market. Expert at creating profitable synergies/relationships with networks, business connections while creating/capitalizing on new relationships with billion dollar clients. Excel at identifying key business operations to strategically increase sustainable revenue and market share gains. Strong luxury market segment success. A team builder with strong P&L and general management skills.

Strategic Business, Sales & Market Planning Market Introduction & Fulfillment
Profit Optimization, ROI Specialization Competitive Analysis & Competitive Pricing
Creative Branding & Marketing Increase Declining Sales & Stagnant Markets
Market Evaluation, Penetration & Expansion Inspirational Leadership & Training
Institute Technological Uses & Advantages Performance Enhancing & Development Planning

Specialties: Branding and Identity / Complete Start-up / Contract negotiation / team building / problem solving and training

Feb. 15, 2021

Chris Warren captivates and mesmerizes with rapid fire car industry stories #1 in exotic car leasing

Wrecked Bentleys, wedged Maserati, 150 in a Countach, private jet travel...
Guest: Chris Warren