DID WE STEAL TECH FROM ALIENS?!? J Sanchez is friends with some quantifiable astronauts...
1:05 I was in Air Force test command, which dealt with the weapons that should even be introduced for 40 years 1:59 aliens are real 2:25 The difference between us beginning to fly and going to the moon is only 50 years well, that's just lots of Jews....
1:05 I was in Air Force test command, which dealt with the weapons that should even be introduced for 40 years
1:59 aliens are real
2:25 The difference between us beginning to fly and going to the moon is only 50 years
well, that's just lots of Jews.
3:45 I have a quantifiable group of friends who are astronauts
4:53 Most people don't really get that the military and our government are very distinct. Congress doesn't need to know, the President doesn't need to know
6:36 Stealth fighter was shot in 1990. When you think that that aircraft maiden voyage took place? Pick a year. 1956
Unknown Speaker 0:00
We are caught off guard, I'm reading all this stuff. Our military is caught off guard by Da da da. We're not caught off guard by that stuff, man we are. So China's got nothing on this stuff. But we got, I'm telling you, we are so far advanced, it's ridiculous. I have a what I would say is a quantifiable group of friends who are astronauts, you are in New Mexico, working on your farm. And you saw in 1956. And you saw black diamond fly through the sky where all the hubs hotspots for UFOs sightings, right? If you if you look into it, the astronauts really did it for me. They really did it for me. And they're not allowed to talk. You know, they're not allowed to talk about UFOs.
Unknown Speaker 0:44
Jeff Sterns connected through cars, if they're big wigs, we'll have him on the show. And yes, we'll talk about cars and everything else. Here he is now, Jeff Sterns
Unknown Speaker 1:00
I was in Air Force test command, which dealt with the weapons that should even be introduced for 40 years, you know, and, and we're dealing with stuff that shouldn't even be tested for 40 years. And we're running it through now because it was a convenient way to use this stuff. We're so advanced is ridiculous. I know. I'm reading all over the internet now that China sent some kind of supersonic something or another aircraft or a missile that went around the world and it detonated somewhere and we're caught off guard, I'm reading all this stuff. Our military is caught off guard by DOD. We're not caught off guard by this stuff, man. We are. So China's got nothing on this stuff. But we got I'm telling you, we are so far advanced, it's ridiculous. And the other folks will say well, why? Why don't we use it? I tell let me tell you what happens. If we actually use the weapons we really add. The whole world will start coming apart. They will freak out. We are show beyond so beyond. So you, you know
Jeff Sterns 1:59
what you know about how beyond we are in weaponry? This is a serious question. And I don't know if you know, or don't know, aliens are real elite. Well, that's what I was gonna ask any of this technology, in your opinion, or knowledge? Because you're out there? Meaning you're you're geographically I mean, you're out there. But you're geographically out there. And you're, you have some knowledge about military. Do you think any of this is technologies borrowed or stolen?
Unknown Speaker 2:25
One, I think people do not give human ingenuity nearly enough credit. Okay. And I'm just gonna define, I'll define it like this. The difference between us going to the moon, and flying from the first time ever from being any, anything that was an aircraft that existed in the world is only 50 years, 50 years from when we first took flight to we're landing on the damn moon. Think about just our time, Jeff, we're around the around the same age. You know, I remember when remote control was me for television, right dad go change, UHF VHF and dadadada da and then look where we're at now. I mean, this is it's surreal. So I think one people don't give, you know, people I watch these shows, they're hilarious, that you know, alien, whatever, astronauts or whatever it's called, did aliens aliens bait built the the, the pyramids and not at all and I'm like, Man, you give people enough time, like aeons. And we will just, we'll just over and over achieve. I mean, that's how we are. That being said,
Unknown Speaker 3:36
well, that's just lots of Jews.
Unknown Speaker 3:40
That being said, I have a what I would say is a quantifiable group of friends who are astronauts, when we were all hanging out one time, you know, I thought give me I'm gonna use this as an opportunity. And I'm going to ask that that did not and when I asked we think remember we were in the confines just us right? private conversation. And they weren't with the same you know, oh, Jay, with like, a billion world we could we'd be kind of naive to think again, but don't give me that shit. i What the hell's going on? Come on, come on, guys. I really tried to get on the ground. I'm military, we get on the ground level. Right. Okay. So here's the thing about military people, what they don't say is what they intend to say. And when we got out of that conversation, I was like, Okay, so my belief is, we are engaging, stuff like that. I will say, I never really saw anything like that in what I did in the Air Force. I just the stuff that we had was just beyond beyond, beyond beyond, but I'm in the Air Force. Everything's very compartmentalized. Right so that nobody knows what the hell is going on. Nobody knows the complete story. The President doesn't have to be appraised. Most people don't really get that the military and our government are very
Unknown Speaker 4:59
distinct. I wouldn't get that I wouldn't have gotten that. Okay. Congress
Unknown Speaker 5:03
doesn't need to know, the President doesn't need to know. We can literally Greenlight anything in our imagination for however much it is, with no oversight, and no need to seek permission. And this part I didn't understand. But in test mission, this was like the definitive, but so long as it wasn't more than 11 units. I don't, don't ask me what the why it was 11. I don't know. But after 11 units, if they wanted to buy something, they need congressional approval. So let me let me take you through something with Desert Storm. So remember, to 1990, the stealth fighter debuts, right? Diamond, Black Diamond, the most technologically advanced, they came out we're gonna use it and Desert Storm and Morocco is like that. Damn. Yeah. Yeah, let's shoot him up, man. Let's we're using the best technology da da da. Okay, so it looked like we had a fleet of these things. We didn't we had 11. Yeah, we had 11 of them. And they would just repaint the tail numbers and leverage it on camera. Right. And American Look, here's the thing when you want more than your 11 allotment, you congressional approval. Well, when America is behind you going, yeah, look new technology. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right? And yeah, well, Congress will pencil whip anything as long as the people are behind it. So that's how we got more. But without saying this is out there. So I'm not saying something that's a top secret. Okay. It's out there if you look for, but just because I can't talk about a lot of stuff I was doing. But I but I will tell you this. So stealth fighter was shot in 1990. Right, this black diamond blah, blah, blah, right? Okay, take Jeff work with me. When you think that that aircraft maiden voyage took place? Pick a year.
Unknown Speaker 6:49
You didn't say work with you? Like, I'm gonna have to guess. Yeah, guess
Unknown Speaker 6:52
Take a guess. Look, we started in 1990 was our newest technology. Everybody rat. Let's just fuck everybody up with this thing. Okay, guess when it took its maiden voyage five years before? Man? No. 1956 Oh, I
Unknown Speaker 7:05
would have never. You got to give me 10 guesses? Okay.
Unknown Speaker 7:08
1956. Really? Okay at a Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. Now, if you are in New Mexico, working on your farm, and you saw in 1956, and you saw black diamond fly through the sky, guess what you'd call it? UFO. So that's what 90% I fully believe 90% 95% is just our advanced technology. Yeah, it's our advanced technology. In fact, we're all the hubs hotspots for UFOs sightings, right? If you if you look into it, there is a test base around there. Right? So we're testing different things and stuff like that. But you know me for be it for me to sound like a conspiracy theorist because I'm really not. But, you know, you take into account your friends and you go, something's going on. But 95% of it is our own advanced military. The other tech I don't know. I don't know. The astronauts really did it for me. They really did it for me. And they're not allowed to talk. You know, they're not allowed to talk about UFOs. There. It's like a It's like they're, they're not actually allowed to so when somebody brings it up, they have to do the whole well with billions of planets out there. We would be naive to think that they literally are barred from even talking about that stuff.
Unknown Speaker 8:25
This has been Jeff Sterns connected through cars
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