5:36 PINKS Lose the race, lose your ride. PINKS all out 8:43 Where STREET OUTLAWS got their idea 11:27 GRUDGE RACE 13:37 what if a racer was reluctant to turn over their car's title? 17:22 What if they flinched? 19:05 Amazing 23 AND ME story! 26:32...
1:15 Happened at Bonanza Creek. Imogene Hughes 'the queen of the Western movie sets' was the owner a dear friend of J. Sanchez 2:25 in the business over 60 years-never had an incident 3:21 gross negligence 5:21 half the crew was sleeping on the ranch...
thetorqueshow.com Justin is the son of his loving and proud father as well as legendary racer Derek Bell! Quite an accomplished racer and person on his own! 0:28 LeMans in the rain 5:30 you don't know if it's 300 feet in front or 100 feet ...
"...we had several locations. The Ferrari store was acquired by an existing dealer in '82. And then we moved across the state open the Jaguar Porsche Land Rover store in Naples..." 5:04 Million dollar Lemon Law on an F40 10:40 Ferrari to...
From African American millionaire race car driver in Europe (hunting communists) to Vietnam interrogating to a son living with this father...this is gripping.